Thursday, 6 March 2008

EBSCOhost 2.0

EBSCOhost will be updating their interface in the summer of 2008. Some of the key features will be:

* A cleaner, simpler user interface
* Related Images readily available beside the Result List
* Results directly from NewsBank
* Instant article previews from mouse-over action
* Expand/Collapse side panels
* Search history displayed above Result list
* SmartText Searching to provide full results from partial Find field terms
* Multi-database access to Authority files
* URLs that can be bookmarked
* A convenient, streamlined Cite process for all citation styles

There is an EBSCOhost 2.0 Flash overview, available at
and some information describing EBSCOhost 2.0 features at

Virtual training - Web of Science

Web of Science are providing some online training sessions in March

If you would like more information about these sessions or enquire about training on other services please contact

Copyright advice on the SLAINTE website

A new intellectual property rights and copyright section has been added to the SLAINTE website. It provides copyright information for library and information professionals.

It can be accessed at

Updates to journal content

The following Science Direct titles have been added to the e-Library:

American journal of human genetics
Cell metabolism
Biochimica et biophysica acta (BBA) - gene structure and expression is now called
Biochimica et biophysica acta (BBA) - gene regulatory mechanisms

The following OVID titles have been added to the e-Library:

Academic physician and scientist
World allergy organization journal

The following Proquest titles have been added to the e-Library:

Administration and management special interest section quarterly

Canadian women's health network
Clinical diabetes
Community care (also added to Ebsco-Host)
International journal of men's health
Medical marketing and media (also added to Ebsco-Host)
Work programs special interest section quarterly

RCM midwives journal (Ingenta) has also been added to the e-Library

The following Science Direct titles have been archived in the e-Library:

Seminars in anesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain (also MD Consult)
Annales d'urologie
Clinical techniques in small animal practice
Disaster management and response
Environmental hazards
International congress series
Neural regeneration research
Cardiovascular research
European journal of echocardiography

This is due to a change in publisher. Therefore no up-to-date access is now available.

The following Science Direct titles have been removed from the e-Library:

American journal of hypertension
Journal of the European academy of dermatology and venereology

The following Ebsco-Host title has been removed from the e-Library:

International journal of paediatric dentistry